Sunday, December 2, 2012

Who Uses It?

According to Barbara Fister, someone who has researched and worked with The Dewey Decimal System closely stated, "...Dewey is currently the most widely used classification system in the world, employed in 138 countries by over 200,000 libraries" This clearly answers the question of who uses the system. These numbers were shocking to me at first but when you think about the simplicity and organization of the system it is clear that people would want to use this system in their library. As stated earlier in this blog, the universal approach of using a classification by numbers that is used in The Dewey Decimal System. 

To relate on a more personal level, from as far back as I can remember my school district of (Hazlet) had used The Dewey Decimal System. I remember posters being up in the library explaining how the system worked. Also I vaguely remember a little song we would sing when we did a lesson on fairy tales and we had to take out a fairy tale book.

It went something like, "398.2, those are the books we chose. For fairy tales and blah blah blah... 398.2" Obviously the blah blah blah is the part I forgot, but I think it is crazy how the mind works and how I still vaguely remember this catchy rhyme.

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